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Unik pasient, unik behandling

Vi forstår hvor viktig det er å tilby skreddersydd behandling for å bekjempe kreft, og at ventetiden kan være avgjørende for deg.


Vi forstår hvor viktig det er for deg å kunne være der for dine pasienter, og å kunne være en støtte for pasienter som har fått en kreftdiagnose.


Vi forstår din lidenskap for å levere den beste omsorgen for de kreftpasienter du behandler, og innsatsen for å redde flest mulig.


Oncogene jobber for å bringe nytt håp innen kreftbehandling ved å bruke avanserte metoder. Vi forstår at hver persons arv og helse er unik, og små feil i arvematerialet kan føre til alvorlige konsekvenser som kreft. Ved å bruke ny teknologi kan vi oppdage og forstå disse feilene bedre. Sammen med teknologiske og medisinske partnere som Thermo Fisher, CeGat og Aleris, utvikler vi skreddersydde løsninger basert på en persons genetikk, for å kunne tilby bedre og mer presis behandling til pasienter og hjelpe klinikere i Norge.

Nye metoder

Nye håp

Om oss

Oncogene er en norskbasert pioner innen kampen mot kreft. Vårt engasjement er å bringe en ny æra av presisjonsmedisin inn i hverdagen til både klinikere og kreftpasienter i Norge. Gjennom avansert genetisk testing og cutting edge teknologier som sekvensering og bioinformatikk, fokuserer vi på å avdekke og tolke den unike genetiske koden til hver enkelt pasient.

Vi tror sterkt på at forståelse av den genetiske arven er nøkkelen til å tilby skreddersydde og effektive behandlingsløsninger. Ved å identifisere små avvik i genomet, som kan være årsaken til kreft og andre sykdommer, streber vi mot å tilby en ny dimensjon av presis medisin.

President and CEO
Morten Duesund, PhD

Morten Duesund has a PhD in management, value creation and sustainability in business development and investment projects. He is a business and executive advisor, and works primarily in the areas of strategy and leadership development, agile transformations, M&A, PE and startups. He is also professor at SKEMA Business School in France, and at NMBU in Norway, and works with tomorrows leaders on areas such as strategy, business and project development, and business agility.

Founder and CTO
Charitra K. Mishra, PhD

Former academic researcher with a broad range of national and international experiences including cancer research, clinical genomics and informatics, molecular biology, biotechnology with several years of exposure in vaccine and pharmaceutical industries. He has been affiliated with ELIXIR-Norway (EU program) & Norwegian Bioinformatics platform at Department of informatics, Bergen university, Oslo university & hospitals, and catholic medical college, South Korea.

Legal Advisor 
Kristian Foss

Kristian Foss is a partner at the renowned law firm Bull and contributes in the board with his vast experience when it comes to laws and legislations, contracts, technology agreements and privacy issues.

Advisor and Board member
Prof. Klaus Beiske, PhD

Professor Klaus Beiske is professor at institute of clinical medicine, university of Oslo and department of pathology, Oslo university hospital, Oslo, Norway. He is also a renowned clinician and cancer researcher across Europe (European Pediatric Cancer Congress) for translational and computational research on solid and hematological cancer. He has life long experiences in cancer research and pathology including pathology, chemo- therapy resistance, genomics and genetic diagnosis.

Advisor and Board member
Ida Hansen

Ida Hansen is entrepreneur and marketing specialist, and completed her business education from BI Norwegian Business School which is an esteemed institution in Norway and second larges in all the Europe. She has long experiences in problem solving across Norway and Scandinavia. She is also the founder and CEO of Wileo AS i Norge. She has joined us for a good cause to save lives of Norwegian Cancer Patients with Kreft Presisjons Medisin, Diagnostisering og Forskning.

Advisor and Board member
Tore H Rismyhr

Tore is a business development specialist, and the board of directors at Airthings ASA. He has completed his business education from BI Norwegian Business School in Norway. His wide experience includes in establishing and managing sales organisations, and possess a blend of experience and tech savviness within loT, proptech, welfare technology and creative use of tech. He has joined us with a passion to contribute in helping cancer patients using Kreft Presisjonsmedisin og Forskning.

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